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The Truth Behind RF Cellulite Reduction
RF (Radio Frequency) is the newest and hottest trend in non-invasive body contouring. It stimulates collagen production, increases blood circulation and tightens skin – all of which leads to a reduction in the appearance of cellulite. RF is a non-surgical procedure that uses radio frequency energy to heat subcutaneous fat layers and stimulate collagen production. The heat causes thermogenesis (increased heat production by fat cells), breaks down fat, stimulates fibroblast proliferation, and improves microcirculation in the subcutaneous layer. These effects lead to an immediate reduction of the appearance of cellulite as well as long-term improvements in smoothness and hydration.
What is RF?
RF stands for radiofrequency, which is a form of electromagnetic energy. RF is commonly used to heat tissue in order to treat cellulite and other skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis. RF is different from lasers, which are used to cut, coagulate, or vaporize tissue. RF is a modality that many people use on a daily basis without even realizing it. You are exposed to RF every time you walk through a metal detector at the airport or go through an X-ray machine at the doctor’s office. RF is used in many different treatment modalities, including heat therapy, acupuncture, and electro-stimulation. RF devices are widely used in the medical and aesthetic fields.
Is RF Good for You?
RF, as is the case with many non-invasive treatments for cellulite reduction, is not a cure, but rather a way to maintain your desired results from treatments like diet and exercise. Once you achieve your desired level of smoothness and firmness, the only way to maintain those results is with consistent and regular RF treatments. While RF will not eliminate cellulite for good, it can significantly reduce the appearance of dimpling and bumps on your skin in as little as one treatment. In order to maintain these results, you’ll need to continue treatments every few weeks. RF can also be used to treat wrinkles, spider veins, and stretch marks. It can also help with pain caused by arthritis and fibromyalgia.
How Long Does an RF Cellulite Reduction Take?
The average RF cellulite reduction takes approximately 30 minutes. Some treatments may be longer if you have large areas to treat, but most can be completed in one session. Each treatment is unique and will depend on the severity of your cellulite and the area being treated. You’ll want to talk to your aesthetician or doctor to determine a treatment plan that best suits your needs.
Side Effects of RF Cellulite Reduction
RF isn’t a cure for cellulite, but rather a treatment that can temporarily reduce the appearance of dimpling and bumps. With that said, there are very few side effects associated with RF treatments. There is a slight risk of burns or an “RF rash,” which is a slight skin irritation. However, this is rare and can be prevented by using a barrier cream and keeping the treatment area covered while the machine is on. RF can also temporarily increase the amount of fluid in your tissues. You may experience itching, tingling, swelling, or a warm sensation on the skin. This is normal and is often reduced by applying ice before the treatment.
RF is one of the most effective ways to reduce the appearance of cellulite. It is non-invasive, relatively inexpensive, and safe for all skin types. If you have cellulite, you should absolutely speak to your dermatologist or aesthetician about the benefits of RF treatments. It may be the non-invasive treatment you need to achieve smooth skin once and for all!
Contact Triangle Laser and Aesthetic for a consultation today. You could have smoother and younger looking skin tomorrow!